Pet of the Month
Young, good looking, happy and playful. But Cally was experiencing the darker side of a urinary condition. Sent to us from another vet's, she was having difficulty urinating, with discomfort and some obstruction. Her x-rays and scan had shown a small area of thickened soft tissue at the opening of her bladder.
Making a diagnosis was quite simple and we achieved this by performing a cystoscopically guided biopsy under general anaesthetic. That is the introduction of a small en-sheathed telescope, with working channel, into the bladder via her urethra. We visualised the mass and took samples with biopsy forceps. The histo-pathology confirmed the tissue to be cancerous. Despite a guarded outlook, we were able to offer treatment options.
The first priority, remove the tumour. This resection was performed with a Diode Laser guided through the cystoscopy sheath (see Images). Repeat examinations will be required but with luck these may only be required every three months and treatment should achieve good palliation. In addition we have put Callie onto a simple long term medicine which has anti neoplastic effects with this type of tumour.
This might well be a cancer that won't be fully cured but shortly after our Laser resection Callie's owner reported that her dog was so very much happier than she'd been for a long time. If we can keep her happy, painfree and she can live with the cancer rather than die from it, then that to us is a good job done!

Springwell Veterinary Surgery is Accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The Practice Standards Scheme is a voluntary initiative - not all practices are part of it yet. As a client of the Springwell Veterinary Surgery, an RCVS accredited practice, you can rest assured of a high quality of care throughout the practice. Click HERE to read how this benefits you.
Full payment is due at the time of consultation, the discharge of your pet or when collecting drugs or diets. All major credit/debit cards are accepted.