Laparoscopic spaying
Springwell Veterinary Surgery has been performing Laparoscopic spaying for bitches since January 2012, as a preference to the traditional "open surgical" procedure. We do not offer the latter procedure, because we do not see such large benefits as with the keyhole procedure. With this in mind, we have heavily discounted keyhole spaying to make it affordable.

Laparoscopic spaying
- Minimal pain due to both smaller wounds and much less trauma
- Much faster recoveries with a quicker return to activity
- Keyhole surgery is the gold standard that we expect as human patients
- Wound size is very much reduced. Typically two 6mm incisions
- Better visualization of organs and accuracy of surgical technique
- Less likelihood of wound swelling
- Less stressful for your dog
- Safety
The cost - please contact reception for an estimated cost.

We are happy to discuss minimally invasive surgery and quote for the procedure.
Ovariectomy vs. Ovariohysterectomy Ovariectomy vs. Ovariohysterectomy (Removal of ovaries vs. removal of the ovaries and uterus) To maximize the aforementioned benefits, our preference is to perform the ovariectomy. There are no medical disadvantages to this procedure, although currently it is novel in the UK.
- We will ask you to starve your dog from midnight the night before their operation. This minimises the chance of them vomiting during their anaesthetic. Please don't withhold drinking water.
- On the day of the operation we will admit your dog. If we have seen your dog recently a nurse will do this. If we haven’t seen your dog recently, a vet will admit them.
- An injection of pain relief and mild sedative will be given next. This makes the procedure more comfortable and safer and really relaxes your dog.
- Once these medications have taken effect, a vet and nurse will administer the anaesthetic injection into the leg vein. A small patch of fur will be clipped over the front of the leg where this is given.
- A soft tube will then be inserted into your dog’s airway so that oxygen and anaesthetic gas can be given.
- Whilst the nurse monitors the anaesthetic and prepares the surgical site the vet will clean their hands and arms thoroughly so that the chances of wound infection are kept to a minimum.
- Once this has been done the operation will start. This involves making two small (6mm long) incisions through the skin and muscle, where the camera scope and instruments are inserted. There will also be two small puncture wounds where a special tool is used to keep the ovary in place during the operation. A vet and nurse will be present throughout the anaesthetic.
- The incisions will be stitched up after the ovaries have been removed. The stitches are dissolvable so do not need to be removed.
- When the operation is finished your dog will be kept on oxygen without anaesthetic, until they wake up. They will then sleep off the rest of their anaesthetic in a recovery kennel, at this point they are also offered a meal.
- You will be asked to email in a photograph of your dogs wounds 3 days after the procedure and then 5 days after the procedure, this is so a nurse can make sure the wounds are healing as they should and that your dog is doing well postoperatively.
- During your dogs recovery it must be kept on the lead for walks and not able to interfere or lick its wounds for 5 days. If your dog interferes with its wounds they are likely to break down or get infected which will prolong the recovery time.
- We can provide on request post operative medical pet shirts or buster collars to prevent them from doing this. Your dog can return to normal and off lead exercise after 5 days. Your dog can return to swimming/bathing after 14 days.