We do all of our own cruciate ligament surgery. This replaces the need to refer larger dogs for the excellent but rather complicated, invasive and expensive "TPLO" technique.
We do all of our own cruciate ligament surgery. This replaces the need to refer larger dogs for the excellent but rather complicated, invasive and expensive "TPLO" technique.
At Springwell following appropriate case selection, we perform the "TTA rapid" procedure, which has evolved from other successful TTA techniques. Developed by Dr.Yves Samoy DVM PhD from the University of Ghent, from it's inception in 2011, TTA rapid makes use of modern technologies. It brings a simpler and less invasive methodology to cruciate ligament repair.
The surgery involves the following steps:
Case assessment-following physical and radiological examination, joint geometry is measured to determine the site of implantation and implant selection.
Under general anaesthetic the joint is explored either arthroscopically or via a small joint incision to enable examination of the meniscal cartilages and allow corrective surgery on these, should they have become torn.
An osteotomy (cut in the bone) is made in the tibia, to make room for the placement of a specially designed titanium implant, which is adjusted and then screwed into place with usually six titanium screws. This implant remains permanently in place and altersthe joint loading and geometry, quickly restoring the stifle joint to normal function.
Notes: We commonly see cruciate ligament injuries and these repairs are expensive. It is also well documented that the ligament on the other limb(in approximately 40% of cases) can usually be expected to break within 6-12 months of the first because of underlying degenerative disease. They can occur in any breed.